Cllr Sue Lissimore, Deputy to the Cabinet Member for Highways Maintenance and Sustainable Transport for Essex County Council and Deputy Leader of Colchester Borough Council, was elected as the new Chair of the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) at a meeting of its Joint Parking Committee yesterday
(10 August 2021). Cllr Lissimore takes up the role with immediate effect.
Cllr Lissimore was elected for the role by NEPP Members representing each of the six borough/district partnerships and Essex County Council. Cllr Lissimore succeeds Robert Mitchell who had been Chair for the past nine years.
The meeting also saw the election of Cllr Sam Kane, Customer & Partnerships Services Portfolio Holder for Epping Forest District Council, as Deputy Chair.
NEPP is a council-run organisation, which brings together all street-based parking services in North Essex. Its aim is to administer the parking rules to a fair, proportionate and consistent standard to provide a service in a reasonable and responsible way.
Commenting on her election Cllr Lissimore said: “It is a great pleasure to be chosen to take up the position of NEPP Chair and I’m excited for the use of new technology to be implemented in projects to come.
“The work NEPP has been doing to improve road safety and tackle dangerous parking around schools, with the 3PR and Park Safe Schools project, is excellent to see and is just one of the many initiatives I am proud now to be involved with. I look forward to seeing it’s growth in the future.
“The development NEPP has made in the last ten years, since it was founded, is admirable and to be a part of the future of the organisation is a great honour.”
Richard Walker, NEPP Group Manager, said: “We are delighted to have Cllr Lissimore and Cllr Kane elected to their respective positions. After a brief period of uncertainty, whilst awaiting the appointments, we’re pleased we can continue to push forward with the projects we’re working on and delivering the parking strategy.”
The Chair and Deputy Chair are key strategic roles, guiding NEPP’s priorities and aspirations, maintaining political links, and supporting NEPP work in partnership with local communities and a range of other organisations and interest groups.