Applications and Proposals

Links to currently proposed Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) and where to apply for new parking restrictions can be found below. This includes requests to amend existing parking restrictions.

We also offer services for parking bay suspensions and H-bar markings. All our application options can be found below including further information on the details we will need from you.

Our TRO application process will lead you through the numerous requirements and statutory stages that we must follow to allow for new restrictions to be implemented.

Parking Dispensations

To apply for a temporary dispensation to park on a parking restriction, please call us on 01206 282316.

Please ensure you have your vehicle registration, location, restriction and dates you will need to park.

Make an application

Apply for New Restrictions (TRO)

Apply for New Restrictions (TRO)

Find out how to apply for a new Traffic Regulation Order

H-Bar Markings

H-Bar Markings

Find out more about H-bar markings and how to apply for one across your driveway, here.

Bay Suspensions

Bay Suspensions

Find out more about bay suspensions and apply for one here



This is where you can find out more about the types of permits we offer, including resident permits, parking dispensations and the MiPermit system we use.

More Information

Notices of Intention

Notices of Intention

Find out more about any proposed changes to Parking Orders in our partners’ car parks.

View Current TROs

View Current TROs

Discover all existing TROs on our fully mapped, TraffWeb system.

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Find out more about the policies and procedures we follow.