Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) Cancellation Policy

The Council acknowledges that most people who park in residents’ parking schemes and in its car parks do so in accordance with their obligations to purchase the correct ticket or permit and to display it clearly. However, some users do not always comply with the schemes and in those circumstances where the Council is aware of this the Council will issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

The Council will ensure that the administration of PCNs is operated consistently and fairly in the interests of the wider community as well as those using particular schemes or car parks.

This means that the Council will aim to collect monies owed to it, bearing in mind that administering the schemes involves public money and that in residents’ parking areas we aim for costs and revenue to balance (neutral).

This webpage was created in November 2022 and should be read in conjunction with the “Enforcement & Discretion Policy” document.

Cancellation Policy

PCNs will not be cancelled other than in the exceptional circumstances (set out under the general guidance of the Discretion Policy) or where the ticket has been incorrectly completed by the Council’s enforcement staff and may be invalid.

Exceptional circumstances would not include

  • Failing to display a valid permit or ticket where it was claimed the ticket had fallen down or forgotten to be displayed or where the ticket had expired but only by a limited period e.g. 1 day in case of residents permit
  • Tickets/permits produced after a penalty charge ticket has been issued for “failing to display” are not acceptable.
  • Unexpectedly overstaying a business/social event or a routine medical appointment.
  • Exceptional circumstances would include a medical emergency that caused a delay in returning to the vehicle and/or moving it. The “appellant” would need to produce some corroborative evidence of the emergency from the medical service involved.

The policy will be kept under review and updated periodically.

Officer responsible for cancellation

Where a cancellation is to be made in accordance with the agreed policy, that decision will be made by the Case Manager. The decision will be final as far as the Council is concerned in respect of upholding or cancelling a PCN where the circumstances are clearly in accordance with the agreed policy. The decision will be explained in writing (by email or other digital means where possible) to the person who has contested the ticket and aim to do so within 10 working days.

Discount for prompt payment

The Council currently allow people to pay a lower penalty charge if they pay within 14 days. The Case Manager will exercise discretion to accept the lower charge when it is clear that the intention was for the Council to receive the cheque/cash/credit card payment within the 14 days (e.g. the 14 days expired on the Saturday or Sunday and the cheque was received through the post on the following Monday).

Blue Badge Holders

Blue badge holders have no general right to free use of spaces in residents’ parking areas. If resident in the area, they can apply for a permit free of charge and display it. If visiting, they should display a valid visitors’ permit.

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Find out about the other policies and procedures that we operate under.

Challenge a PCN

Challenge a PCN

You have two opportunities to challenge a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). Click here to submit a challenge.

Pay a PCN

Pay a PCN

Visit our payment portal to pay an outstanding Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).